Keranji - King Teak Solid Timber

Sale price$134.00

Various Lengths: 1500mm - 2200mm

Widths: 85mm or 130mm

Thickness: 18mm

Timber Grade: Select Grade

Pre-Finished and semi-gloss

Janka Rating: 11

Origin: Southeast Asia

Colour: Varies from soft creams to pale grey browns with occasional yellowish green undertones

Select Grade

This is the highest grade of timber, which only contains features of a minimum number and size. Although the features may still observable, such as gum veins, past borer activity and small knots, but they do not dominate the overall appearance.

Standard and Better Grade

A Standard Grade floor may have significantly more character than a Select Grade floor, which is the most typical and moderate features of Australian grade flooring. Our Standard and Better Grade  floor only contains features such as gum veins, past borer activity and small knots in a limited  number and size. This limited level of natural features best suit for a modern style. It should, however, be noted that the features present and resulting character is very much dependent on the species chosen.